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This is where you'll find all the rules and information needed to make your way around Time of Prophets. If you can not find what you need here, feel free to PM a staff member for help.

Moderator: Selene

4 6 Packs
by Selene
Oct 25, 2008 9:58:01 GMT -6
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If you plan on leaving Time of Prophets, either forever or just for a short time please post here to let us know. This is also where you can say hi to everybody and get to know the other members of the site.

Moderator: Selene

Sub-board: Member Haven

5 15 Loners?
by Selene
Dec 9, 2008 15:27:58 GMT -6
No New Posts Allies

This is where you can advertise and seek affiliation with Time of Prophets. The board is guest friendly but please be sure to read our rules before placing your affiliation or advertisement. Guests please be aware there is a word count set at 200. To get around it, type extra words until it says 200 at the bottom and then delete the extra words.

Moderator: Selene

90 91 Black Clover: Shattered Grimoires
by Wizard Queen
Jan 30, 2024 9:46:19 GMT -6

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Here is where you can create your character for Time of Prophets. You have to read the rules for the codeword and please follow our bio format. Also, please at least meet our minimum requirements for post lengths and wait for an admin to accept your bio which should take no more then a day or two.

Moderator: Selene

Sub-board: Genetics

17 27 Ritbant
by Selene
Dec 13, 2008 19:27:16 GMT -6
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Here you'll find a place to post profiles to keep track of your characters if you choose to. This is optional and highly helpful to both site staff and other members when learning about your character. Also this is where pack stats are kept.

Moderator: Selene

2 9 Round & Round We Go
by Selene
Nov 20, 2008 6:23:23 GMT -6
No New Posts Adoption

If you are leaving and would like to have your characters put up for adoption, post their bios here. Wolves that you've lost muse for may also put here for others to adopt and you may require an RP sample or not. Plot characters will be posted here and you MUST audition for them by sending your audition piece to the admin. You may be accepted or declined but are free to try again.

Moderator: Selene

1 1 Council of Stars
by Selene
Oct 24, 2008 10:43:16 GMT -6
No New Posts Graveyard

Characters that have been abandoned, died, incomplete bios and characters from people that leave will be locked and stored here.

Moderator: Selene

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A crumbling stone bridge leads from the mainland a short distance to the island where the Council of Stars lives. Wanderers are welcome here as well as those that may need a little advice or guidance. It is said that the bridge can tell those that mean harm to the Council and has been known to crumble under their paws, dropping them into the sea.

Moderator: Selene

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The remains of an old human temple offer as the meeting place for the Council and the pack they gather around them. Meetings are held here, sometimes for the Council's pack but also for meetings with outsider alphas. Often a few wolves are found sunning themselves on the stones or dozing in the shade of one of the fallen pillars. The ruins lay in a large clearing and is usually drenched in welcoming sunlight.

Moderator: Selene

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The island that the Druids and the Council calls home is for the most part densely forested. Tall, ancient trees create a thick canopy meaning the undergrowth is mostly ferns, bushes and creeping vines. A few small clearings dapple the forest with the Everwinter River cutting through the island from it's center where the river bubbles up from an ancient spring. Most of the prey is found here though some Druids can fish fairly well.

Moderator: Selene

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Deep within the densely forested island of the Council, you'll find a sheer cliff that drops water from the Everwinter River several hundred feet. The thunder from the two narrow falls can be heard from quite a ways as the falls tumble into the pool below before snaking into a slender twisting river that cuts the island mostly in half. A fall from the top of the cliffs can kill you but often you'll find someone sitting around the pool thinking to themselves.

Moderator: Selene

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Along the banks of a lively little stream winding through the Avalon Forest, several weeping willows have grown for centuries. Around the trunks of each willow are carvings of various runes that no one has been able to read for hundreds of years. Many Avalon mothers like to bring their pups here to practice hunting and to explore. With the sunlight and whispering willows, this place has a serene sense of peace and protection and is sometimes nicknamed "Mother's Hollow."

Moderator: Selene

1 9 A [D]etour
by Selene
Dec 5, 2008 15:52:50 GMT -6
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A small network of caves near the southern part of the Avalon Forest is a common hideaway for many of the Avalon wolves. The caverns are embedded with crystals of many colors, ranging from red, purple and blue to fiery orange, cool green and bright yellow. Offering shelter and a little peace of mind, these caverns have been a common secret of the Avalon wolves since they created their home.

Moderator: Selene

1 26 Curiosity Inspired the Wolf (open)
by Selene
Nov 3, 2008 16:57:47 GMT -6
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Most of the territory claimed by the Avalon Pack is forest though not quite as dense as the forest of the Council and the Druids. The trees here have space between their towering trunks allowing more ferns to grow and block paths. Vines and moss creep up the ancient trunks and bracken blankets the deep ravines while small creeks and brooks bubble through the undergrowth in unsuspecting places. Voles, squirrels and sometimes a deer are common game here for the Avalons.

Moderator: Selene

1 13 Hiding in Morning Mists (Open)
by ~~Sonya~~
Nov 23, 2008 10:32:10 GMT -6
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Cutting its own path through the undergrowth of the Avalon Forest is the Quicksilver Creek, named for the first Avalon alphess. Wide enough to nearly be named a river, the creek twists and turns through the woodland offering a source of fish and water to the pack. The water is clear and clean with a swift current that detours those looking for a place to swim unless they're fully grown and have a fair amount of strength to resist the current.

Moderator: Selene

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Covering most of the territory for the Icis pack is a vast open northern wasteland. That's what it appears as to those that don't know how to survive in the north. Barren of trees, this land sports instead gullies and vast open plains of thistles, gorse and mosses with short grasses to feed the caribou and snow hares. During the short summer the tundra is alive with color but soon descends into the darkness of winter where the land suffers snowstorms and severe winds with little sunlight.

Moderator: Selene

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The farthest south landmark of the Icis Packlands is the Jagged Mountains. Though it's not a high mountain range, it creates a defined border between the tundras and the southern forests. Covered in pines the mountains are a warning to both those in the north and the south that progressing much farther will take them away from their home. Some hunting is done here but caution is advised during brief summer thaws for the snows could create avalanches.

Moderator: Selene

2 10 «§»Nights In The Mountain...«§»
by Selene
Nov 30, 2008 10:33:47 GMT -6
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Larger then the caverns of the Avalons, these caverns are used as shelter during blizzards and the cold arctic nights. Descending deep into the ground you'll find streams and springs that are surprisingly warm. The rock itself is warm enough to chase off the winter chill from even the darkest nights. Most wolves spend as much time as possible here because of the warmth after their long hunting patrols.

Moderator: Selene

1 1 «§»Night in The Caverns...«§»
by Symetra
Nov 30, 2008 19:03:31 GMT -6
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To the east, the packlands come to an abrupt stop. A steep cliff looks out over vast sheets of ice and then to the bone-chilling grey waters of the Bitterice Sea. No one dares to cross the icefields for fear of the ice giving way and freezing before they could reach the surface again. No one comes here very often other then to watch the sun or to try a paw at seal hunting which is discouraged unless it is done in numbers. Only in the deep of winter do the wolves dare to come here and hunt seals and walruses to feed the pack.

Moderator: Selene

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Unlike the other caves in the packlands, these caves are far larger with soaring ceilings, multiple tunnels, a broad underground river and even a small waterfall. It boasts nothing more then bats and shelter but is the common dwelling place of the Darkrai Pack. Here it is advised to beware the shadows and be very afraid of what goes bump in the night.

Moderator: Selene

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The trees in this sparse forest have suffered a wildfire in the past and seem to have never really recovered. Some claim the fire was enchanted, perhaps by the Council because the bark on the trees never healed from it's sickly, blistered blackness. Leaves don't grow on the trees and prey is scarce with very little undergrowth apart from the thorn bushes and prickly growths of bracken.

Moderator: Selene

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A place only the alpha dares to approach, this is a small cavern near the farthest south border of the packlands. No one really knows what lies inside because no one can get inside. Sealed by the Council of Stars, the cavern is said to contain the souls of the original Blackbloods and because of the seal, no one can get within more then a hundred feet of the entrance, nor see inside.

Moderator: Selene

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A vast open cliffside overlooking the oceans with jagged rocks below, the cliffs is a place where many Darkrai wolves have met their end in battle. Some have fallen by accident but mostly the ground here is plugged with blood and grass refuses to grow. Listen closely and the suspicious will tell you that you can hear the wail battle loosers falling to their deaths.

Moderator: Selene

1 1 A new Life; a new Start [O.pen]
by Shadow♥-San
Oct 25, 2008 9:14:58 GMT -6


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